Sunday, September 30, 2012

Product Launch Ideas

If you are betting your whole business on the new product you have coming out, than you?d better make sure you make a hell of a launch. A successful product launch is all about creating the right buzz, so that people are interested and excited about what you have to offer. It?s a very good idea to shroud the product in secrecy and just give out little hints once in a while before the launch, but you need to be confident enough that it will deliver in the end. If you manage to raise expectations very high, but your product fails to leave up to the expectations than you have a very big problem that could potentially mean the end of your business. In this article I will want to talk about some product launch ideas that might come in handy. I have seen many great products fail because of a very pour marketing campaign prior to the launch, as well as a huge number of mediocre products that have been pumped up with so much publicity that they had no choice other than to succeed. So, I believe that a list of some of the best product launch ideas might prove to be quite useful.

1.??? TV and radio. Remember that the traditional way of advertising is probably still the most effective so if you have the money and also a great idea for an ad, go for it, because TV and radio commercials still remain one of the most effective product launch ideas. If you have a limited amount of money than my personal choice is not to try and flood as many channels as you can from morning to the afternoon for as long as you can afford it, but instead go for one longer commercial at prime-time on as many channels as you can. All you have to do is make sure it?s spectacular, because if it is, it will get picked up at news or entertainment shows, and suddenly you will have free publicity.

2.??? Billboards and written press. Another conventional way to go about promoting a new product is through newspapers, magazines, and outdoor billboards. It can be a very effective way of promoting your product as long as you have an idea that will shock or stand out in the crowd through any means so that people will pay attention to it. It?s not one of the most innovative product launch ideas, but in the right conditions it may prove very effective.

3.??? Your own website. Remember that your website or blog needs to act as your home base so it needs to be spectacular. Any other kind of advertising you make online will lead visitors here, so make sure you hire a great graphic and web designer to take care of your site, because the benefits can be tremendous. Also make sure that the site is very user friendly by getting a second and third opinion form others during the design process.

4.??? Social media. With the constant growth of the importance of social media sites and applications you need to get your foot in the door in order to make sure you don?t miss out on a potential gold mine. Remember that words spread like wildfire on the internet so if you have a product presentation that can attract a few people on Facebook or other similar sites than in a few days this number will increase tenfold. Off all the product launch ideas that I will present in this article, this one is the most important to capitalize on.

5.??? Promotional products. Before the launch of a new product, a great way to create a buzz around it is to give away promotional products. Make sure you give out great quality samples so that people will start wondering that if you give out for free this good a product, imagine how good the ones that you can buy are.

6.??? Keep up the mystery. A good idea you can use before launching a product is to tell as little as possible about the actual product, and make people interested through all sorts of teaser commercials that don?t give away too much.

7.??? Think outside the box. Don?t just go for traditional means of advertising; try to come up with something different. One idea is to organize spontaneous flash mobs. Although they are rarely used for promoting products you can use this means to transmit an idea your product shares.

There are thousands of product launch ideas from which to choose from, and this selection I have made represents just my opinion on the steps you need to take to get a positive buzz around your product. If you have any other ideas, please, don?t hesitate to share them by posting a message in response to this article.

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