The massive business of web hosting is a world-wide endeavor practiced by many companies large and small. There are specific needs in equipment in order to compete in the competitive field of web hosting. Web hosts are not limited to simple service provisions and client web site hosting. They often provide many other ways to make money for its clients. Being the highly competitive business it is they are always looking for more ways to utilize services to make money.
If a web host has the capabilities for it there are ample ways for them to utilize their existing service and maximize their potential. These services help to increase their income and their relationships with their clients.
The list below includes just a few of the ways web hosts can make additional income.
Tips to Make Money with Web Hosting
Reselling: Reselling is a fantastic and fairly simple way for a web host to earn extra money without too much effort. The web host first purchases a hosting package for a reasonable amount and then sells it to someone else for a larger fee. Web masters and web hosts make a significant income from this technique. It has single-handedly been known to create riches almost overnight for savvy web masters. It?s not quite as simple as it sounds, however. There are a few things that must be considered. There is a sizeable upfront investment required to start up this side of a web host business. Space must be purchased before it can be sold, and the profit won?t be realized until that space can be resold to a client. The host needs to have ample space on his or her server as well. If a web host has acquired enough bandwidth and server space they can then sell portions of that to clients who will in return pay them on a monthly basis.
Using the original service resellers make their money just like that. The money from the monthly fees is pocketed by the reseller. The advantage to this method is the reseller doesn?t have to go through the trouble of buying the equipment or hiring IT staff. The pay they receive is for simply setting up the accounts of the new customer. Often the reseller purchases space from the original provider at a discount of about 10%. The resellers profit is determined by the amount of space the original server allows and the size of that space.
Resellers are always in an advantageous position as they do not have to provide technical support as a package. However, there are some companies, with the wake of stiff competition, provides technical support. Reselling operations are usually small and can be operated from the home itself if the resellers can manage a large investment amount. But several companies are growing at a faster pace in this business and are providing ample services to outshine in the industry.
Advertisement: Free web hosting allows a web host to earn from advertising. Since this service is rendered free to the clients, the web hosts what to use the websites of the client for advertisement purposes. These kinds of options are limited as only small businesses and beginners opt for free hosting services. Thus making lots of money with this service is logically not possible.
Additional Services for Money Making:
Search engine optimization: Web host often find this as a useful technique of earning money. All the clients of the web hosts, who are eager to make their website popular, want the application of all those techniques that can help them serve their purposes. In such a case, web hosts can provide the clients information on search engine optimization. Customers or clients can be provided with top search engines and then charge a fees for submitting their address and to all popular search engine like search engines Google, yahoo etc.
* Template creation: Established web hosts can increase their income by providing cheap services to the customer. This income is often more to give the hosting company more exposure. The host offers their customers the ability to purchase one of their special templates in order to create a visually unique and appealing web site, or sells them a membership to one of the big template services and gets a kick-back on that as well.
* Selling domain names: Selling domain names to customers can is a great way to earn extra money. Web hosts who do not offer this are missing out on a large portion of their possible income. Registration for the transfer of a domain name, as well as the original registration of the name can definitely make money for a web host. There are many private domain name companies to work with to provide this service.
* Providing Site Builders: Offering an expansive web creation wizard that is user friendly is a great way to expand a web host?s income. Clients want visually appealing sites that they can create themselves and this service will also lure them to the web host. By acting as a easy access, one stop service and offering all the items a customer needs to build a site they can create a big reputation quickly. Customers these days are very savvy and know what to look for in a good site builder so it must offer all of the common features.
Never Oversell:
No matter what method is adopted for web hosting money making, it has to be remembered that there is no overselling. This is such a situation where a web host offers space to large number of clients but ultimately fails to retain the service. Too many clients using limited space can be a dangerous situation where there is a high chance for the entire system to crash along with the business of the web hosts. Too many web hosts cannot simply sustain simultaneously in a single server. The bandwidth and the space of the server have to be judged beforehand. The reputation of a hosting company depends on these factors to a large extent.
Web hosting is a legitimate and lucrative way to make money online. By nature it depends on the abilities of its operator as well as the quality of the equipment and services to which it has access. The most secure way to establish a web host service is to start small and grow with your expanding abilities over time.
About the author: William MacMahon is web hosting analyst for Visit to join him on his search for the top web hosting companies each month.
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